9 ways to save on a night out

If a big weekend has ever left you penniless until payday, these pointers could be for you. How much cash did I spend last night? How many rounds did I buy? Why did I pay for so-and-so’s Uber when I know they’re never going to pay me back? If this sounds like a familiar scenario, … Read more

What exactly is the FIRE movement?

What is FIRE? If you’ve ever considered early retirement, you could join the FIRE movement. FIRE stands for “financial independence retire early.” During their working years, FIRE investors invest as much of their income as possible in hopes of attaining financial independence at a young age and maintaining it for the long term—a.k.a. retirement. Their … Read more

Make 2022 the year you buy your first home

If your New Year goals include buying your first home, even though you’re finding it impossible to save for that ever-increasing deposit, you’re not alone. Many people ask us if they can get a home loan with zero or a very small deposit. The answer is a qualified ‘yes’. As always, it depends on your … Read more