Help To Buy is on the table in 2024

If one of your goals is to buy your own home, then 2024 might just be your lucky year. It will see the launch of the Federal Government’s exciting new Help To Buy scheme. Over the next four years, this initiative aims to help up to 40,000 low- and middle-income Australians finally buy a place … Read more

Protect yourself from scams

Scammers are skilled at tricking you out of your money. Knowing the signs of a scam can help you identify when something doesn’t feel right. Scamwatch, run by the National Anti-Scams Centre (NASC) says: Stop – Don’t give money or personal information to anyone if unsure Think – Ask yourself could the message or call be fake? … Read more

Options for adding to your super

Adding to your super You can boost your retirement savings by making voluntary super contributions, such as by: setting up a salary sacrifice arrangement with your employer making personal super contributions (and a non-concessional contribution may make you eligible for the government’s super co-contribution) transferring any super you have in a foreign super fund arranging for your spouse to contribute to your … Read more